Reflexology Session for $25...
Healing the body through the feet.
I thought it would be a great idea to get the reflexology experience out there for everyone. Reflexology is powerfully healing, calming, and balancing. I'm offering 30 minute sessions for $25 from May 19th thru 29th. Or, $20 if added to a massage/bodywork session. Reflexology can be used to facilitate the healing process of ANY condition. It always brings balance and so many other wonderful feelings.
Reflexology uses a gentle, firm pressure on the feet stimulating points to facilitate healing within the corresponding body structures. Please see map of feet above to get an idea of where body structures correspond on the foot. Reflexology is great to help balance digestive issues, sleep disturbances, and stress relief-- pretty much any imbalance, dis-ease, ailment, or injury you can think of. Feel free to contact me if you'd like a little more personal info.
Please respond to this newsletter to schedule your session, call, text, or email. Include a date and time that suits you best.
I look forward to working with you!
My best,